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Authentic Swing

By Chris Welman, Going4Gold

There’s a brilliant sport film out called The Legend of Bagger Vance. Will Smith who plays Bagger Vance surprise visit a young retired golf hero and depressed World War One veteran Junnuh Rannulph (Matt Damon). He gets him back into playing to his full potential and then enters the local golf tournament. Bagger Vance’s approach on coaching didn’t focus much on the technical side, but rather physiological and philosophical behind it. It’s here that Junnuh are challenge to find his authentic swing, the one swing that is unique to him. The swing that he knows is his, the one he wants to hit time and time again - his authentic swing!

All who tried or played golf before know what I’m talking about if I talk about that one shot. It is that one shot that would bring a frustrated golfer or even beginner back for more. In the book of Matthew (Matt 25.15) in the Bible, Jesus talks about the parable of the talents. It is the parable discussing the obvious talk about receiving talents and what you do with it. I think He tells us to make use of our talents and focus on what we have. We get people chasing after other people’s talents, making idols of them. And we have people that would live someone else’s dream without really finding their own.

Have you found your unique or authentic swing?

The one thing you do that makes you thinks this is it? The one thing you want to do again and again, because it just comes so naturally? Whether you like talking in front of people, love organising projects or helping people in need, or whatever you feel you can do without even get paid for it, that might be your own authentic swing.

It might also be like an athlete training for three different events at the same time, like the 200m, 400m and 400metre hurdles instead of (and I’m not saying it’s impossible) training and competing in one event only. That one thing that is the perfect match, the one event or talent that brings you to your fullest potential in a unique way would be the authentic swing.

I pray that you will explore different events or swings through your training, but that God will help you find your unique swing, the one that will make you fulfil your purpose and reach your full potential.

“Go and find your authentic swing’


Check out this great article from Maximum Impact!

I read this great article on MaximumImpact.com that I thought you'd enjoy...

Starting - The First Step Toward Success
By John C. Maxwell

Salespersons are coached in the power of a first impression. Orators devote hours to opening statements. Journalists are admonished never to bury the lead. Sprinters practice racing out of the starting blocks. Interviewees are taught the importance of their initial handshake with a potential employer.

In leadership, as in many other areas of life, the beginning often determines the end. False starts and weak foundations can be ruinous. Here are five insights to help you start successfully.


1. Start With Yourself

As Gandhi famously said, Be the change you want to be in the world. By starting �

You can read the full article here:


Ten tips for global communicators

(Found this on Dave Grays blog Communication Nation, thought it's brilliant to share (thanks Dave)

The difference between local and global markets is like the difference between the fishbowl and the ocean. To understand and engage successfully requires a shift in perspective. Here are a few tips to help you get the most from your global communications efforts:

1. Get outside your fishbowl.
To go global you’ve got to get out from behind your desk. Your culture surrounds you like the air you breathe, and you can’t understand it until you get outside it. Spend some time – an extended period, if possible – completely immersed in another culture. When you return, you’ll be surprised how many things you notice that were previously invisible.

2. Be authentic.
Being global doesn’t mean losing your identity. If you’re a global company that was started in Germany and is headquartered in Germany, it’s perfectly ok to be German. It’s a multicultural world and you are a part of it too. The key is to be respectful of other cultures while being true to your own unique identity.

3. Remember that you are a guest.
When you are visiting another country, or when you open an office there, you are a guest. The same rules apply that would apply if you were visiting a friend’s house. Be polite, respectful, and thoughtful in your communications.

4. Think visually.
There’s a reason why TV is booming while newspapers are going out of business. People understand pictures faster and more easily than words. With pictures you can communicate complex ideas instantly, and virtually nothing is lost in translation. And words need to be translated, while pictures are a universal form of communication.

5. Ask for feedback.
Share your ideas with global teams early, when they are in the napkin-sketch stage, and ask for feedback. When you ask people to participate in defining the message, you build trust. If you build your message globally, then deployment becomes much easier.

6. Engage.
To communicate you need to engage with people, and when you engage, you will make mistakes. If you never make a cultural error, you’re probably not communicating at all. Try to get outside your comfort zone. There is such a thing as being too safe. People will forgive your mistakes if they believe you are well-intentioned.

7. Respect is a two-way street.
If you work for a global company, your company’s culture may be as strong and important as the global cultures you interact with. There will be times when your company culture is directly at odds with the local culture. When those times arise, you need to have a clear policy on what is negotiable and what is not: Is fluency in English an absolute requirement? You may not want to hire interpreters for every conference call.

8. Localize strategically.
Localization is a slippery slope. You can localize to the regional level, to the country level, and beyond – there are nine officially recognized languages in South Africa alone. Balance the expense of localization against the benefits you expect to gain.

9. Listen between the lines.
Many cultures have subtle or indirect ways of dealing with conflict and communicating sensitive information. Watch people’s faces and body language for cues. If you sense something may be amiss, ask politely if you are missing anything, or take an associate aside for a quick chat. In conference calls it’s much more difficult: silence can be an indication of many things, including disinterest, confusion, displeasure, and even agreement.

10. Socialize.
In many cultures, communication outside of the office is as important as what happens inside. Take invitations seriously. Many of your most important lessons and ideas will come from informal conversations, where people feel comfortable sharing their thoughts.


8 Laws of Leadership

* Lead yourselve first.

Before you can lead anyone, you need to be able to lead yourself. You need to know who you are? And what you want in life, what makes you unique?
Spend time with yourselve, find peace with yourself by facing yourself in front of the mirror. Seek your Creator to find your purpose.

* Lead by Example.

Don't just talk the talk, you need to walk the talk. You can't expect people to arrive on time if you stroll in 5 minutes late. Neither can you expect professionalism from your followers if you dressed inappropriate. Always tell the truth as a leader, then you can expect the same from others.

* Lead with a Vision.

“A leader has the vision and conviction that a dream can be achieved. He inspires the power and energy to get it done.”
— Ralph Lauren
Leadership without vision is like a paintbrush without the brush. A leader will give color to a vision, passion will drive it.

* Be a Team Leader.

The key word in leadership is Team Leadership, and it's how to become effective leading a team. Leading a team is one of the most challenging task of a team leader. To become a effective communicator is vital important to lead a team into a new era. Team Leaders hear the heart of their followers because they spend time with them.

* Be authentic.

Nothing is more discouraging than a leader that thinks he knows everything. It won't be long before he humbly tumble to the ground. Leaders need to be open, show themself to others. Admit mistakes, show weakness and share your live with followers.
* Be accessible.
A true leader have a open door policy, that means that if their is real need, they will be there to help. They won't be hiding away or be only accessible when they choose. True leadership will be there to listen.
* Leaders communicate well.
Apart from listening well, they have to know how and when to communicate what!! Open communication need to be in place for feedback, needs, advice sharing, insights and resources. Networking is vital important for any good leader, specially if they don't have all the answers. There is other that can help, guide or add value to the organization.
* Leaders relate with their team.
Leaders know what is going on, on ground level. They either been where their followers been or they are on the some level. They know the needs, pain and got in some cases the know-how to help.

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